The organizer of the World Forum “New Era – New Ways” is the “International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation” (IOEC)
«New Era
– New Ways»


The goals of the World Forum “New Era - New Ways” are to unite representatives of international organizations, authorities, business, the expert community, public organizations, academia, representatives of traditional religions, cultural and artistic figures from various countries to jointly shape a common future for the sake of prosperity and strengthening peace and security, promoting spiritual and moral development, increasing the level of well-being, building a favorable and safe environment for citizens.
Objects of the World Forum:
The goals of the World Forum “New Era - New Ways” are realized through mutual recognition of the participants’state sovereignty principlesparticipants, building a common future based on traditional values, respect for the national-historical, religious, cultural characteristics of the participating states and their populations.
Objectives and areas of activity of the World Forum:
- bringing together for a joint dialogue representatives of international organizations, authorities, business, the expert community, public organizations, academia, representatives of traditional religions, cultural and artistic figures from various countries;

- assistance in improving the well-being and standard of living of the population;

- promoting the implementation of the initiative to create a Greater Eurasian Partnership;

- coordination of the actions of the Forum participating countries in solving global challenges and international problems;

- strengthening mutual understanding and good neighborly relations between representatives of different states and peoples;

- joint development of the digital economy;

- searching for ways to develop cooperation in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development;

- cooperation in the field of technology development and innovation;
- cooperation in the field of economic integration;

- business integration and cooperation, development of international business projects;

- human rights activities;

- protection of basic principles and norms of international law;

- harmonization of legislation in order to implement joint projects;

- implementation of international humanitarian, legal, cultural, scientific, educational, social cooperation;

- assistance in organizing international industry professional associations;

- participation in scientific, research, law-making and expert activities;

- exchange of experience and scientific knowledge;

- implementation of information and educational activities.
Principles of the activities
Respect for the sovereignty of all participants in the dialogue.
The activities of the World Forum are not directed against any states, international, public organizations and individuals that are not its participants, and openness to broad cooperation with all interested states, organizations and individuals based on taking into account mutual interests and common approaches to solving regional and global problems.
Respect for the right of peoples to independent and democratic choice of the paths of their political and socio-economic development.
Respect for the traditional, cultural and religious values of all participants in the dialogue.
new ways
New era
President of the World Forum "New Era - New Ways"
General Council
Interparliamentary Assembly
Strategic Development Committee on Economic Relations and Business
Eurasian Lawyers Association
Commission for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms
Commission for Scientific Cooperation
Committee on Northern and Arctic Issues
Approved by:
President of the ANCO “International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation”
D.V. Stasyulis

New era –
on the World Forum
Principles of activity.
Areas of activity.
Event partners:
Organizer of the World Forum “New Era – New Ways”: International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation.
+7 985 000 77 23,
Venue: Moscow, st.Pokrovka, 47, Digital business space.
On April, 19, 2024, a general meeting of participants in the World Forum “New Era – New Ways” will be held in Moscow, also proposed to be made annual ...
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Group of companies "Dictatorship of the Law";
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly;
Kyrgyz-Russian Business Council;
AMP-Special equipment..
High-ranking representatives of international organizations (CIS Executive Committee, Eurasian Economic Commission), government bodies, leaders of business communities, public organizations, experts, scientists and cultural figures from various countries.
Issues for discussion:
As a result of the World Forum "New Era - New Ways", it is planned to prepare proposals for the formation of the Greater Eurasian Partnership.
Program of the event
World Forum Events
06.10.23 —
“Off-site meeting in Bishkek on October 6, 2023”
The offsite meeting in Bishkek brought together 75 participants, including well-known government and public figures, politicians, and entrepreneurs, including:
- Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic Z.K. Bazarbekov;
- Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic E.Zh. Baisalov;
- Deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia A.I. Sandykov;
- Deputy of the JogorkuKenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, leader of the Alliance parliamentary faction Zh.K. Akaev;
- Deputy of the JogorkuKenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, leader of the Yntymak parliamentary faction M.A. Mamataliev;
- Deputy of the JogorkuKenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic Zh.P. Nurbaev;
- Deputy Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic A.D. Usenbekova;
- Deputy Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic B.S. Orozov;
- Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Ch.I. Arabaev;
- President of the Kyrgyz Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs D.T. Ibraev;
- Chairman of the Council of Lawyers of the Bar of the Kyrgyz Republic B.S. Raiymkulov;
- Deputy Head of the Department of Interaction with the Courts and Prosecutor's Office of the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Z.K. Kongantieva;
- Deputy Mufti of the Kyrgyz Republic S.A. Atabaev;
- Bishop of Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan Russian Orthodox Church MP Savvaty (Zagrebelny) and others.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation A.A. Pankinand Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation T.N. Moskalkovaaddressed the participants of the World Forum event with letters of welcome, the report of the Director of the EEC Integration Development Department G.A.Barseghyanwas presented in video format. The participants were familiarized with the theses of the speech by Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation D.V. Volvach.
Issues of forming the Greater Eurasian Partnership as a center for uniting a multipolar world and establishing cooperation between legal communities of different states were discussed.
The meeting participants made decisions on the creation of working bodies of the World Forum and began the formation of their composition, namely:

Structure of the World Forum:
- General Council;
- Interparliamentary Assembly;
- Committee for the Strategic Development of Economic Relations and Business;
- Eurasian Lawyers Association;
- Commission for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
- Commission for Scientific Cooperation;
- Committee on Northern and Arctic Issues.
IOEC signed agreements on interaction and cooperation with the Bar of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Kyrgyz Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.”
Offsite meeting in Bishkek